Sunday, January 4

Fleeting & Fickle

So, honestly: who makes a blog, writes in it a few times, waits a year, and expects to reach a level of notoriety unprecedented in human history?

This guy.

Seriously. It's January. I wrote about scientology (which I still hate) in March. So I think the notoriety comes if you offer people something new each week. Or you might have to blow something up or sponsor a caper or something. If you know me (all three of you who I know and read this; I guess you're my "target audience?"), I do this sort of thing all the time. Weight lifting, running, decoupage, tact, all things I've started and given up. Well, no more! It'll be my New Year's Resolution, even though I don't believe in them. I sit around at work all day and even when I do my job to the fullest extent, I still have like 8 hours of free time. What job could I possibly have that could afford me such free time, you ask? Read my blog to find out! If you stick with me as I make this a habit, I think you'll find that it is enjoyable for all of us. Maybe I'll shape this into a review blog or a chronicle blog or a random blog or a dog blog or a bog blog (I bet there is a market for blogs about bogs! Plus, it's fun to rhyme)....

Huzah to the New Year and the New Blog Frontier!