Tuesday, September 11

When you get up early....

...you end up having nothing to do all day.

In other news, 10 months ago I moved here and, in an effort to free up space in my car, I left my CRT monitor in Chicago with the plan of buying an LCD monitor when I arrived in Phoenix. Little did I know, my computer was so messed up, I couldn't just plug and play the $350 LCD monitor because my computer needed to have a lower refresh rate so the monitor could display. But, lo and behold, the display driver had an error on it. While pretending like I was a computer science major and insisting that I could fix it on a regular CRT and then hook it up again, I disabled the monitor and then was -3 steps on the process of "fixing" it and had no video signal. Then, after 9 months, I decicded to try again with the new approach of remembering that I'm a biologist and really know nothing about computers. That seemed to work and I could at least hook it up to another CRT to get my info. Then, I managed to hook it up to the internet and find a graphics driver and now I can use my computer and new monitor as it was intended.

So that's my life today. Computer back, AIM working with all my ingenious Away messages I composed throughout 4 years of college, and the maintenance people are not showing up at the appointed time to fix out pissing evaporation tube.

Also, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that was fun to watch but I don't know the story behind it. SO I decided to make one up. Like I said earlier, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Think of the following like a small setup for a fun video:

If Joe knew German, he would have known that the building he was in was the "Leipzig Firework Factory." And also, that sign he just passed had said, "No Smoking."

Monday, September 10

What one does, the other usually follows

This is a great idea: blogging to let everyone that I don't see or talk to everyday what exactly I do out here in the hot Southwest, which isn't much. But like most great ideas, it isn't my own; it originally was one of the Great DunkMcFunkersen or, as I've referred to him before, The Other Bryan. I usually like his ideas, so when he does something I like, I do it too. I did it with LiveJournal and MySpace, so it makes sense to do this too, so he can read about me as I read about him. I'll also follow his format, since I've always liked his links/humor/wit/observations. BUT everything else will be original. Well, at least what happens to me.

So where to begin. I moved into a new apartment, I need a couch, and a new job. Today I'm sitting on the floor (again, no couch), watching crappy TV since I woke up and waiting to go have lunch with the GF. After that I'll probably go into the office to let the apartment managers know that I'd like air conditioning that doesn't cause the apartment to flood every time it shuts off. And then I'll probably call a couple hospitals to try and find a job. Maybe a little Guitar Hero and some real guitar, followed by dinner, some Fantasy Football work, and probably bed. My life is not terribly interesting these days because I have no money really to make it interesting. Well, I'm off to start my shower and make some lunch and get the day started. I'll try to update at least 3 times a week, but odds are there will be nothing interesting really to see and you'll eventually not care about it.

But at least I'll have something to do now.