Tuesday, September 11

When you get up early....

...you end up having nothing to do all day.

In other news, 10 months ago I moved here and, in an effort to free up space in my car, I left my CRT monitor in Chicago with the plan of buying an LCD monitor when I arrived in Phoenix. Little did I know, my computer was so messed up, I couldn't just plug and play the $350 LCD monitor because my computer needed to have a lower refresh rate so the monitor could display. But, lo and behold, the display driver had an error on it. While pretending like I was a computer science major and insisting that I could fix it on a regular CRT and then hook it up again, I disabled the monitor and then was -3 steps on the process of "fixing" it and had no video signal. Then, after 9 months, I decicded to try again with the new approach of remembering that I'm a biologist and really know nothing about computers. That seemed to work and I could at least hook it up to another CRT to get my info. Then, I managed to hook it up to the internet and find a graphics driver and now I can use my computer and new monitor as it was intended.

So that's my life today. Computer back, AIM working with all my ingenious Away messages I composed throughout 4 years of college, and the maintenance people are not showing up at the appointed time to fix out pissing evaporation tube.

Also, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that was fun to watch but I don't know the story behind it. SO I decided to make one up. Like I said earlier, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Think of the following like a small setup for a fun video:

If Joe knew German, he would have known that the building he was in was the "Leipzig Firework Factory." And also, that sign he just passed had said, "No Smoking."

1 comment:

idrumgood said...

You're seriously slacking on this blog thing!